This is just a temporary website!
Our main web server is currently down. You can check the status of our severs here. Until we found and fixed the problem that caused it to get blocked by our hoster, you can find the download links for the most recent versions of LiquidBounce below.

What is LiquidBounce?

LiquidBounce is a so-called hacked client for the game Minecraft. In a nutshell, a modded client like LiquidBounce allows you to do certain things regular players are not able to do. What makes LiquidBounce special compared to similar clients is its Forge compatibility, which enables you to use it with any other mod you like.

How to Install LiquidBounce?

1.) Download LiquidBounce from below and unzip the archive to your hard drive.
2.) Download and install Forge for Minecraft 1.8.0 OR 1.12.2, depending on which LiquidBounce you want to use.
3.) Open your .minecraft directory (Usually located at %appdata%/.minecraft) and create a folder called "mods" if there is not one already.
4.) Copy the LiquidBounce Jar-File into the mods folder.
5.) Run Minecraft and select the profile, Forge created when installing and start the game.


Choose the version, you want to download LiquidBounce for. LiquidBounce b71 for Minecraft 1.8.9 LiquidBounce b2 for Minecraft 1.12.2 LiquidLauncher for Windows LiquidLauncher for Linux (Debian)